Saturday, May 30, 2009

I hope that any readers haven’t been disappointed in finding my entries few and far between but finding time, light, etc hasn’t been that easy. I aim to make one entry a week at least. At present I am sitting outside at a camp table this sunny Saturday morning and we are in the Warrumbungle National Park which has huge volcanic spires and immense gorges, all heavily forested and an animal sanctuary so kangaroos, emus, wallabies and lots of bird life.
After leaving Broken Hill we took the road to Wilcannia and then on to Cobar where we stopped for the night. It was sunny when we left Broken Hill but it soon started to rain and we have encountered quite a bit of rain this week. There is a lot of water around, on the side of the roads etc, but today is sunny - a nice change. Cobar is a copper mining town and we went out to have a look at the open cut mine, a huge hole in the ground with an entrance to the mine way way down, and then off to our next stop at Nyngan. It’s a pretty little town on the Bogan River and its main claim to fame is that in 1990 the river reached high levels and despite the best efforts of the townsfolk to sandbag the river it broke its banks and the town flooded. The population of some 2,000 was evacuated by helicopters leaving the town in a sea of water. There is a museum which tells the story and a helicopter sits in the main street as a memorial! We liked the caravan park so much we stayed 2 nights and then drove up to Gilgandra passing huge cotton growing concerns - lots of water required! - we stopped for a coffee and the shop owner suggested we take a back scenic road through the Wurrumbungle park, and so here we are. We had also met some people on the way who told us how lovely the park is - we have a bush camp but with power and amenities 5 minute walk away. There are kangaroos feeding across the way and naughty currawongs getting at our rubbish. It has been cold at night but we had a camp fire last night and our bed is very warm and cosy, no trouble sleeping but difficulty getting up in the morning. Some fellow travellers have told of us of hot springs at Burren Bore which is east of Narrabri - we may go there next or perhaps to Moree which also has hot springs - somewhere warm please!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday morning in Adelaide, it’s raining and pretty quiet as we set off on our road trip heading for first stop Broken Hill.
A brief pause at the pretty town of Burra for a much needed caffeine hit and then off again through countryside which has a welcome green coat. Not sure what the rain fall has been but the countryside looks good. Arriving at the Broken Hill Caravan Park is amazing, there must be at least 300 vans and most seem to be occupied by grey heads, we will have plenty of company! We settle in reasonably easily, by now it’s getting dark and time to eat when I discover that the especially prepared first night away meal is still in the freezer at home! So it’s off to the pub and a steak sandwich and glass of red - even better, no washing up. The extra we paid for an inner spring mattress means a good night’s sleep.
We leave Broken Hill on Tuesday heading for Cobar, the effect of the recent heavy rains will mean our planned route may have to change, guess that’s what this is all about.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Laptop First

This is the first blog produced on my laptop - a test run for me and my technology!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Sorted!

Our departure date has been set for 24th and we are in the process of refining what we need and do not need to take with us - not an easy task!  A visit to the Asian grocer in the Adelaide Market today to stock up with some basic groceries.  We like spicy food, so I think curried lentils with coconut milk and any veggies we can find will often be on the menu (I know what you are thinking)!!

I am a newcomer to blogs and the etiquette required but understand that it's not the done thing to use someone's name so I have referred to Silver Gypsey 1 as SG1 and daughter as C1 - you will know to whom I am referring.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week at Coobowie

SG1 and I had a week at Coobowie with my cousins and family testing out the camper trailer.  Worked well and I now have my own fishing rod.  Caught lots.  A good time had by all.

Mother's Day

Today C1 and I made this souffle for Mother's Day - it was a first for both of us!  It turned out pretty well, and was not too hard to do.  We got the recipe from the SBS show Food Safari.