The end of our adventure has arrived and while we are happy to have “home comforts” and spend time with our family and friends we will miss the stimulation and enjoyment of seeing and doing something new each day and the simplicity of a camping life style - a time to reflect on what is important.
We were away for 20 weeks and during that time stayed in 48 different towns and had a lot of practice in putting up and packing away our camper trailer! One discovery has been the laid back and friendly attitude of other campers and caravanners, most people are happy to have a chat and share their experiences. In fact much of our route was decided after hearing other travellers’ tales.
Our Suzuki covered just over 20,000 km and didn’t miss a beat, we were lucky enough not to have to change a tyre and thank goodness there were no mechanical problems in some out of the way place.
Adelaide has had a very cold and wet winter and being able to enjoy the northern sunshine has been a bonus, some of you may remember the long summer school holidays when shorts and sandals were the dress each day and by the time it was back to school the sun had left an outline of those sandals on your feet - it has been a bit like that for us - a long holiday in the sunshine, no responsibilities, no worries!
This is my last blog - thank you all for your comments and interest - it’s now time to plan the next expedition and decide when H & L will be on the road again.